As Facebook looks to increase its revenue, the company is determined to find new places to put ads. After a successful round of beta testing, Facebook’s next stop for ads is Messenger. Facebook announced the global expansion of Messenger Ads in a blog post earlier this week: “Messenger ads are going global. After promising tests in Australia and Thailand, we’re expanding the beta further. We’ll now offer businesses around the world a way to use Facebook targeting to extend their reach to people in Messenger.”

Messenger head of product Stan Chudnovsky told VentureBeat in an interview that “the beta in Thailand and Australia sent ads to nearly all Messenger users. Average Messenger users elsewhere in the world could begin to see advertisements on their home screen by the end of the year.” Advertisers will be able to send people who click their ads to a destination chosen during ad creation which can be a website or a Messenger conversation. Just like Facebook’s other additional placement ad options like Audience Network and Instagram, Messenger ads can be created using Ads Manager and Power Editor.

With an estimated 1.2 billion Messenger users around the globe, it’s obvious what the major upside is for Facebook. All those eyeballs means a lot of new potential revenue. What we are interesting in knowing though is what will the impact be for marketers and how will user react to seeing ads on the home tab of their Messenger mobile app.